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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

This is a Turn Signal Switch

(In Boston it's a "blinkah")

This seems to me to be extremely fundamental! But I think it's worth mentioning and explaining what it is, what it does and how it effects you and other drivers.

What it is:
 - it is a universal switch lever located in the same place on virtually EVERY motor vehicle, generally behind the steering wheel on the left side.

What it does:
 - when you press down on it, it turns on the left turn signal.
 - when you lift it, it turns on the right turn signal.
 - when either action is performed a light turns on in the front and in the rear of the vehicle which blinks.

Effects on the road:
 - when used properly, this lets other drivers on the road know what you intend to do.
 - when used properly, you become predictable and avoidable (and you don't want to be Mr. UNpredictble on the road).

When to use it:
 - changing lanes on a highway.
 - when your lane ends and you have to merge right or left.
 - when you are making a right or left hand turn.
 - when in a parking lot and turning into your chosen spot

I know this sounds fundamental, but it is absolutely ridiculous how many drivers think they're either too cool or are just plain lazy! PLEASE...use your "blinkah!!!"

Read more in my book Driving While Blind


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